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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

Planning Commission offers no recommendation on mobile home rezoning in airport overlay zone

Despite a City Council directive to identify mobile home parks with improper zoning and work toward aligning the zoning and the use on sites, in some instances city staff identified mobile home zoning as inappropriate and withdrew those sites from…

Planning Commission split between preserving mobile homes and encouraging density

Council is set to consider a citywide effort to standardize zoning for mobile home parks today, but a few cases still present some wrinkles. One of those cases, which came before the Planning Commission at its June 11 meeting, sparked a…

Planning Commission gives no recommendation on contentious historic zoning case

After the Historic Landmark Commission voted against the owner’s wishes and staff recommendation to recommend historic zoning for the property at 1603 Willow St., the case came to the June 11 meeting of the Planning Commission. The commissioners weighed the…

Reporter's Notebook: Phone home, ETJ

Racial discourse… When Defend Our Hoodz came to the June 11 meeting of the Planning Commission, City Hall was prepared. Protesters opposed to the 4700 E. Riverside project – a development they refer to as the Domain at Riverside –…

Despite 'fuzzy' answers, Planning Commission approves 4700 E. Riverside project

After three hours of discussion and deliberation against the backdrop of incessant shouting and profanities from members of Defend Our Hoodz, the Planning Commission voted 7-4 to forgo staff’s recommendation and approve the rezoning of the five tracts composing 4700…

Rezoning mobile home parks not straightforward, according to Planning Commission

Last August, City Council acknowledged that mobile home parks are a crucial housing option that can help combat Austin’s affordability crisis. Council gave city staff direction to identify mobile home parks that have improper zoning and work toward appropriately rezoning…

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Planning Commission decides how much office is too much office in a neighborhood

In Central Austin especially, neighborhoods evolve and zonings change. However, change is not always simple. The two owners of the properties at 1804, 1806 and 1808 W. Sixth St. came before the Planning Commission at its May 14 meeting to…

map of the area

Planning Commission fails to recommend zoning change, citing proximity to hazardous materials

Abutting the Cypress Semiconductor manufacturing plant is an undeveloped 1.63-acre tract of land that is currently zoned commercial. This transition property connects the industrial tract to the east with residential developments closer to town. On May 14, Ferris Clements, an…

Planning commissioners strike heritage tree compromise

When it comes to preserving heritage trees, when should development take precedence? That was the question planning commissioners sought to answer at their most recent meeting, where developers of a property at 2111 Rio Grande St. were seeking variances to…

Despite neighborhood objections Planning Commission approves increasing density for East Austin project

On the corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Tillery Street, single-family homes meet higher-density residential developments. Although this tenuous balance between property usage has been negotiated for decades, there remains a line between the two districts. Finding that…

Family dispute over historic zoning comes to Planning Commission for mediation

Five years ago, the property at 1119 East 11th St. was zoned historic in an effort to preserve both the legacy of the Thomas family and their involvement in the East Austin music scene, and an emblematic example of 20th-century…

Planning commissioners push for more transit-oriented mobility plan

City Council is scheduled to take up the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan at its next meeting on March 28. In recent weeks, various city commissions have offered comments on the plan, which aims to shape city transportation policy over the…

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