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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission
Historic building could be renamed after freed slave Rev. Jacob Fontaine
At their most recent meeting, Planning commissioners were briefed on a proposed name change of a historic building at 2402 San Gabriel St. near the University of Texas. The building was most recently known as home to Freedmen’s barbecue restaurant,…
Preservation • By Alyx Wilson • Oct 25, 2018
Planning Commission approves the removal of a heritage tree downtown
The Planning Commission approved a rare heritage tree variance at a recent meeting. The commission only sees cases like this one, where people are looking to remove protected trees that exceed 30 inches in diameter, once a year or less.…
Planning • By Alyx Wilson • Oct 17, 2018
Ballpark Apartments protesters disrupt Planning Commission meeting
This week’s Planning Commission meeting came to an unexpected and abrupt pause on Tuesday. Around a dozen protestors from Defend Our Hoodz, or Defiende el Barrio, chose to stand and chant in the middle of the agenda reading rather than…
Zoning • By Alyx Wilson • Sep 14, 2018
Do 'flag lots' threaten neighborhood character?
No neighbors voiced opposition to the plans, but two members of the Planning Commission last Tuesday voiced concern about a developer’s attempt to subdivide three large lots in East Austin to create “flag lots” that would each include two homes.…
Planning • By Jack Craver • Aug 20, 2018
Planning Commission wonders what to do after CodeNEXT
CodeNEXT might be dead, but most members of the Planning Commission seem to agree that they can’t give up on making big changes to the Land Development Code. For over a year, discussion of CodeNEXT has been a standing item…
Land Development Code • By Jack Craver • Aug 16, 2018
Planning Commission hears about 30-mile loop of urban trails
City transportation officials have a grand vision to dramatically expand the Shoal Creek Trail and eventually connect it to a 30-mile loop of trails around the northern half of the city. But it’s anybody’s guess when that vision will be…
Bicycles • By Jack Craver • Jul 27, 2018
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Nuckols takes parting shot
Assistant County Attorney Tom Nuckols has stepped down from the Planning Commission, but in a statement provided to the Austin Monitor, he made it clear that he was not leaving the commission because Attorney General Ken Paxton sued him. A…
City Hall • By Jo Clifton • Jul 23, 2018
Reporter's Notebook: Communication
They don’t want to talk to you… Staff from the Development Services Department repeatedly told members of the Zoning and Platting Commission at their Tuesday meeting that they were legally obligated to approve a site plan for the controversial Champion…
Reporters' Notebook • By Austin Monitor • Jul 23, 2018
Do historic districts help or hurt affordability?
There is a wide range of views about how historic preservation rules relate to Austin’s housing affordability problems. Some argue that actions taken to prevent the demolition of old homes advance affordability because, in general, older homes are cheaper than…
Preservation • By Jack Craver • Jul 18, 2018
North Austin apartment complex could include 125 affordable units
In many ways, the zoning case before the Planning Commission this Tuesday involving a proposed 258-unit apartment building was pretty typical. A developer wanted to build more units, and nearby neighbors were unhappy about it. What was unusual about the…
Zoning • By Jack Craver • Jul 13, 2018
Here's why Ken Paxton wants to kick members off Austin's Planning Commission
A city statute that governs the makeup of Austin’s Planning Commission is at the center of a legal challenge from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office. Paxton is taking legal action to remove eight members of the 13-member commission, citing…
City Hall • By Syeda Hasan • Jul 10, 2018
Paxton sues eight Planning commissioners
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Tuesday received approval from a Travis County district judge to move forward with a lawsuit seeking to remove eight of 13 members of Austin’s Planning Commission. Paxton did so at the urging of opponents…