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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

East side subdivision evokes legacy of racist deed restrictions

There wasn’t much the Planning Commission could do about the subdivision sought by the the owner of an acre of land at 4520 Rimrock Trail, near the Morris Williams Golf Course. The commission was legally required to approve the owner’s…

small area plan snippet

CodeNEXT: What's the plan, here?

After seeing the city spend five years and $8.5 million on CodeNEXT, some members of the Planning Commission are worried that the final product will be little more than a “plan to plan.” Currently, the commission is in the process…

Planning commissioners spar over reduced lot sizes in CodeNEXT

The 13 volunteer citizens appointed to the city Planning Commission spent eight grueling hours Monday night proposing and debating changes to CodeNEXT. It was a stark contrast to the the treatment the proposed code overhaul received from the city’s other…

Planning commissioners propose 'anti-McMansion ordinance' for CodeNEXT

Three members of the Planning Commission have proposed a series of “anti-displacement” measures in CodeNEXT that they say will discourage demolitions of existing low-cost housing and incentivize the construction of smaller units that middle-income people can afford. Speaking to reporters…

Council rejects attempt to remove Planning commissioners

Following an occasionally heated debate, City Council voted down a proposal Thursday that would have declared the current membership of the Planning Commission to be in violation of the city charter. At issue is a provision of the charter, approved…

Who has a 'direct or indirect interest' in real estate? It depends who you ask

City Council appears divided over what do about a provision of the city charter that requires two-thirds of the members of the Planning Commission to be “lay members” who are not “directly or indirectly connected with real estate or land…

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North Shoal Creek plan put on hold

Despite an overwhelming workload courtesy of CodeNEXT, Planning Commissioners managed to spend more than three hours discussing a plan centered on just one neighborhood at its most recent regular meeting. Neighbors have been pushing for a North Shoal Creek Neighborhood…

Council takes no action on Planning Commission

Faced with no easy or painless options, City Council members decided late Thursday night to put off considering how to get out of their predicament of a development-heavy Planning Commission and a desire to get through the rewrite of the…

Reporter's Notebook: Is CodeNEXT spreading?

Contagion… Is the trauma of CodeNEXT spreading to other Central Texas cities? That’s the horrific question at least one Sunset Valley resident must have asked herself when she opened her mailbox recently. Inside was a postcard sent by the city…

Planning Commissioners zero in on CodeNEXT mapping

CodeNEXT, the seemingly interminable process of rewriting the city’s land use regulations, has been guided by two distinct goals. The first is to provide a simpler code that is easier for the layperson to understand, including by introducing new language…

Changes ahead for Planning Commission?

At this week’s meeting, City Council is scheduled to consider changes to how members of the city’s Planning Commission are selected. The city attorney’s office has offered two alternative approaches – one of which could have a radical impact on…

area zoning map

Planning Commission skeptical of apartment complex in Southeast Austin

Things aren’t looking good for a landowner in Southeast Austin hoping to turn a 10-acre tract into a 125-unit apartment community. At its latest meeting, few members of the Planning Commission voiced support for the request by the property owners,…

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