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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

Flats on Shady plan

Affordability trumps traffic concerns for Govalle apartment complex

The Planning Commission recommended that City Council approve a zoning change that will allow a 290-unit apartment complex to be built at 1125 Shady Lane, near the intersection of Bolm Road and Airport Boulevard. The commission voted 7-4 to change…

As deadline nears, CodeNEXT capacity figures still in question

The land use commissions received a briefing on the affordability implications of the third and final draft of CodeNEXT Tuesday night, with only a few weeks left before they turn in their official recommendations to City Council. Consultants and staff…

South Lamar neighbors to get office traffic instead of residential traffic

Nearly two years ago, the Planning Commission voted 10-1 to recommend a zoning change that would allow a 70-unit apartment building to be built on a vacant lot at 2413 Thornton Road. As is often the case in zoning battles,…

View of rosewood courts

Planning Commission moves Rosewood Courts case to Council

Voting against a request to postpone the case, the Planning Commission unanimously approved staff’s recommendation to grant a portion of east side public housing project Rosewood Courts historic zoning at its Mar. 13 meeting. Controversy has centered around whether all…

East side zoning case gets personal

It takes great care for the Planning Commission to balance developer and neighborhood concerns for any zoning case. That can be especially true when the land in question is smack dab in the middle of one of the most rapidly…

Land use commissions skeptical about CodeNEXT 3.0 promises

The third draft of CodeNEXT made its long-awaited debut last Monday, presented to the public at an open house that evening in the flattering light of the golden hour – but by the next night, at the joint land use…

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What policies would create the most housing in CodeNEXT?

As the city of Austin has learned over and over again in recent years, allowing something to be built doesn’t mean that it will be. Hence, density bonuses that offer developers the opportunity to build bigger buildings in exchange for…

City demographer smashes assumptions about growth at CodeNEXT meeting

For the past year, the land use commissions have been reviewing the drafts of CodeNEXT, and the discussions have primarily revolved around how to accommodate the incredible population growth the city has experienced for the past few decades. About two…

Neighborhood fights for holistic infrastructure improvements on east side rezoning

Less than a week after the Planning Commission held a CodeNEXT discussion on the predicament of upzoning in areas with insufficient infrastructure, it had the opportunity to weigh in on a real-life example. At their Jan. 23 meeting, commissioners voted…

Planning Commission takes on transit and CodeNEXT

Two of the great planning processes of Austin’s current age came together under one roof on Wednesday night as the Planning Commission talked both CodeNEXT and Project Connect with the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Todd Hemingson, Capital Metro’s vice president…

Mobility plan preview raises questions at Planning Commission

At a special called Jan. 18 meeting, the Planning Commission got its first look at the beginnings of the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, what will be an amendment to the city’s comprehensive plan, Imagine Austin. The plan is still in…

Commission struggles with perplexing conditional use permit

CodeNEXT may make the current Land Development Code seem outdated, but there are still buildings around the city that have yet to be registered with the city. In these cases, something as simple as changing a building’s use can carry…

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