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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

CodeNEXT review process to get makeover

With only a few months left to provide its recommendations on CodeNEXT, the Planning Commission is talking about scrapping staff’s prescribed review process for one of its own making. “I don’t think we’re going to get where we want to…

Convention center skybridge postponed by Planning Commission

A request seeking permission to construct a pedestrian skybridge connecting the Austin Convention Center and the Hilton Austin hotel downtown was postponed by the Planning Commission last week. The case, which the commission came close to denying altogether, will now…

In lieu of Imagine Austin update, Planning Commission recommends mixed-use project

The city’s comprehensive plan is starting to show its age. On Tuesday, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve a mixed-use zoning request, against staff’s recommendation, for three commercially zoned properties on the border of one of the Imagine Austin…

Planning Commission initiates historic zoning for Emancipation Park site

A week before the release of the Mayor’s Task Force on Institutional Racism and Systemic Equities’ 70-page report, the Planning Commission took a small step during its March 28 meeting in fixing what local historian Fred McGhee called a “broken…

135,000 new housing units over the next decade: feasible or overly ambitious?

Socar Chatmon-Thomas points at an apartment building under construction along the south shore of Lady Bird Lake, near East Riverside Drive. “So this whole thing used to just be nothing,” said Chatmon-Thomas, who has worked in Austin real estate since…

Austin plan sets goals for more affordable housing. But where should it go?

City Council is set to vote this week on whether to adopt the city’s first-ever housing plan. The plan aims to address Austin’s growing affordability crisis by setting goals for new housing production. But apart from encouraging more affordable housing,…

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Planning Commission unanimously votes to recommend Strategic Housing Plan

It would be a stretch to call Tuesday night’s vote a confident one, but the Planning Commission nevertheless unanimously passed a motion to recommend the Austin Strategic Housing Plan to City Council at its meeting Tuesday night. The plan, if…

CodeNEXT consultants discuss the fate of conditional overlays and PUDs

Like magicians before a skeptical audience, the CodeNEXT consultants asked the land use commissioners at their March 21 joint meeting to suspend their disbelief and envision an Austin with very few planned unit developments and zero conditional overlays. Since they…

CodeNEXT consultants respond to accusations of dividing city

Two weeks after the Zoning and Platting Commission passed a resolution stating that the CodeNEXT draft text “provides two very different, separate codes,” the CodeNEXT consultants reassured commissioners during the joint land use work session Tuesday night that the draft does in…

Wider discretionary powers for Board of Adjustment envisioned in CodeNEXT draft

Assistant city attorney Brent Lloyd made a small presentation at the joint meeting of the land use commissions last Tuesday night outlining a possible reconfiguration of the Board of Adjustment’s role in city planning as part of the changes on…

Planning Commission plays Historic Landmark Commission in demolition appeal case

In the first case of its kind, the Planning Commission, acting in place of the Historic Landmark Commission, denied an appeal of demolition permits released in July. Property owner D & L Rent Properties LP originally filed for demolition of…

Planning Commission rejects waiver after conversation on racism

Remarks on how institutional racism influences the city’s historic preservation goals prompted the Planning Commission’s indecision to approve or reject a compatibility waiver for a 5-foot setback on the western side of 2724 E 12th St. during its Feb. 14…

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