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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

Planning Commission recommends drive-through at Oltorf intersection

Overruling objections from the East Riverside/Oltorf Neighborhood, the Planning Commission voted during its Jan. 24 meeting to move forward with a change that could bring a drive-through to the area. Applicant 1616 E Oltorf Street, LTD. requested to upzone the…

CodeNEXT draft presented to land use commissions

In the first “fifth Tuesday” meeting of a CodeNEXT-geared 2017 calendar, the city’s land use commissions convened to receive a presentation of the CodeNEXT draft text, which was published online the day before. The release marks a big step in…

Planning Commission denies request for bank drive-in services on 38th

At the urging of two Zoning and Platting commissioners, the Planning Commission unanimously denied a rezoning request for a conditional overlay for drive-in services at 623 West 38th St. during its Jan. 24 meeting. City staff had supported Pioneer Bank’s…

Planning Commission recommends Council negotiate MUD consent agreement

At its last meeting, the Planning Commission voted to approve a staff recommendation on the second part of a request to amend the consent agreement for Moore’s Crossing, a municipal utility district east of Austin proper, in order to clarify…

Developer, city arborist agree on heritage tree removal

In a rare exception to the city’s 95 percent preservation rate for heritage trees, the Planning Commission approved staff’s recommendation of a variance during its Jan. 10 meeting that would permit applicant Stantec Inc. to remove two heritage trees in…

Unadopted South Lamar Corridor Plan influences Planning Commission appeal

A subpar neighborhood traffic analysis did not stop the Planning Commission from granting an appeal for a 60,000-square-foot mixed-use project at 2010 South Lamar Blvd. during its Jan. 10 meeting. Due to the site plan not meeting city code with…

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Specter of CodeNEXT informs vertical mixed-use cases at Planning Commission

In two separate cases on Tuesday, the Planning Commission approved vertical mixed-use zoning on Congress Avenue. The majority of the commissioners continue to see VMU zoning as a way to increase density along or near core transit corridors in line…

Planning Commission approves Plaza Saltillo project, affordability level disputed

After what Chair Stephen Olivier called “officially our longest case ever,” the Planning Commission approved three rezoning items associated with the six tracts of the Plaza Saltillo project at its Jan. 10 meeting. The properties, owned by the Capital Metropolitan…

Planning Commission approves South Austin rezoning despite traffic, flooding concerns

Despite opposition from neighbors, the Planning Commission last week voted to support the rezoning of a South Austin property to allow condominiums and townhouses. At its Dec. 13 meeting, the commission unanimously approved the rezoning of 4507 and 4511 Vinson…

Waiver applicant pitches restrictive covenant with themselves

The Planning Commission voted 7-4 at its Dec. 13 meeting to postpone a decision on a compatibility waiver for a new multifamily residential development called the Lofts at 12th, located at 2724 East 12th St. The waiver would accommodate the…

Land use commissions scramble to prepare for CodeNEXT draft release

Apprehension was in the air as representatives of the CodeNEXT team, led by Planning and Zoning Department Director Greg Guernsey, addressed the joint meeting of the Planning and Zoning and Platting commissions on Nov. 29. “The fact that we’re here,…

Slow response to flood report frustrates some commissioners

The city does not have many options for supporting individuals who suffer loss or damages from flooding caused by a development upstream, based on an exchange at the Nov. 29 joint meeting of the Planning and the Zoning and Platting…

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