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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

Where have all the children gone? Commission studies Austin's shrinking family share

Success has come at a cost for families with children in Austin. At its most recent meeting, the Planning Commission took a look at how decreased affordability is impacting families in Austin and started a conversation about how it might address…

Planning Commission OKs removal of one, maybe two, downtown heritage trees

At its recent meeting, the Planning Commission approved a variance that could save or destroy a downtown heritage live oak. The would-be developer of 504 East Eighth St. was seeking a variance to remove two heritage trees that have a…

Reporter's Notebook: We do declare

Preservation fight perseveres… Delivering complications once again, the ongoing struggle to create a local historic district in the Bluebonnet Hills section of Travis Heights has experienced another unique twist. This past week, opponents delivered to the city a second valid…

Mt. Zion rezoning finally moves on to Council

It may have taken the most circuitous route imaginable to get there, but the the Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church rezoning case is moving on to City Council after bouncing around the Planning Commission since June. This time, the church…

Murky CodeNEXT process raises eyebrows at Planning Commission

This month, the city will hold events designed to test aspects of the ongoing CodeNEXT Land Development Code rewrite, and last week some Planning commissioners were concerned that they were unprepared for the exercise. The events, called “Sound Check,” will…

East side Boys and Girls Club draws crowd at Planning Commission

City Hall was filled with children from the Boys and Girls Club of Austin – and its opponents – at the Tuesday night meeting of the Planning Commission. The students were there to support a zoning change from Single Family…

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STR moratorium headed back to Council

Though the city continues to untangle City Council’s myriad proposed amendments to the Short Term Rental Ordinance, a proposed ordinance placing a moratorium on commercial short-term rentals sailed through the Planning Commission on Tuesday night. If approved by Council, the…

Strip club shot down by Planning Commission

Plans to build a strip club at Ben White and I-35 hit a bump at the Planning Commission, where a “morals clause” in a private restrictive covenant gave some commissioners pause. Commissioners denied the zoning change in a vote of…

City seeks to close charter school loophole

According to the city’s Land Development Code, organizations planning to build open-enrollment charter schools are exempt from various development regulations, including some intended to mitigate flood and traffic impacts. This revelation has grabbed the attention of community members as well…

Former Planning commissioners give newbies a piece of their mind

It’s not easy serving on a city land-use commission. If sitting through meetings that often stretch into the early morning hours isn’t bad enough, those who submit to the task are mere volunteers and thus forced to study up on…

Mt. Zion zoning turns a corner

After months of struggle and complications, it looks as though there may be compromise on the horizon for East Austin’s Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church. The new tack will have to go through the normal approval process in the future,…

Tarrytown subdivision delayed over questions about area flooding

A planned subdivision in Tarrytown has been delayed to allow Planning Commissioners to take a closer look at neighborhood concerns about flooding and learn more about what the city has planned for the area. City staff has determined that the…

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