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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

Swede Hill residents ward off condo proposal

The Swede Hill Neighborhood Association scored a victory at Tuesday’s Planning Commission meeting when commissioners denied a developer’s zoning change request to allow him to build condominiums in the historic neighborhood. It was the second night in a row that…

Planning Commission wants AISD representative

The Planning Commission is looking into adding a new member to the dais to advise its members about how zoning changes might affect Austin schools. At a meeting Tuesday, Commissioner James Nortey said Austin Independent School District President Gina Hinojosa…

City seeking 567 volunteers for commissions

In order to keep the city’s many boards and commissions running on time, City Council must make 500 appointments by June 30. Other groups need to appoint an additional 67 individuals to participate in the process of advising Council on…

Commission drops secrecy, shares legal opinion

After some deliberation, the Planning Commission has released the legal interpretation that clarifies how much discretion it must deny subdivisions that include required connections to streets, if the commission disagrees with the connections. The city’s legal opinion, according to a…

Council approves rezoning on North Lamar lot

Though Mayor Steve Adler warned that the first approval was “tenuous,” a North Lamar rezoning case will move forward after City Council members approved it on first reading Thursday. Council voted 9-2 to approve a rezoning at 11712 North Lamar…

Planners deny East Riverside change

At its most recent meeting, the Planning Commission voted 5-3 to deny zoning changes to several undeveloped lots from 5600 to 7522 Penick Drive, off East Riverside Drive. Ron Thrower of Thrower Design spoke for landowner Bill Greif and asked…

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Planning Commission OKs Red Bluff Hotel variance

The Planning Commission approved a variance Tuesday that allows the developer of a proposed hotel on Red Bluff Road to build within the primary setbacks of the property, much to the dismay of neighboring residents. Commissioners had previously approved two…

Commission powers to be revealed at next meeting

Although many left thinking they may never know whether Planning Commissioners can approve subdivisions without requiring connectivity, an 11th-hour save means the issue will be discussed, again, at the commission’s next meeting. Much to the disappointment of those who have…

Planners look at big picture and deny rezoning

After taking a look at the impact of similar businesses nearby, the Planning Commission shot down a South Austin rezoning request at its last meeting. The 0.85 acre lot is located at 4102 and 4200 Manchaca Road. Owner Mitchell Whiddon…

ZAP shoots down variances for Far West parcel

The Zoning and Platting Commission took a hard stance against several requested environmental variances that would allow an Austin resident to build a 3,500-square-foot home on a steep slope at 4316 Far West Blvd. Property owner Ali Tabrizi sought to…

Stealth dorm regulations head back to Council

The stealth dorm issue has lived to see another City Council. The Planning Commission took the next step to combat occupancy limit violations at its regular meeting last week. Commissioners voted unanimously to forward a recommendation from the Stealth Dorm…

Red Bluff Hotel project will get a second chance

At their most recent meeting, Planning Commissioners took the unusual step of rescinding their previous vote on the planned Red Bluff Hotel. The vote to rescind was unanimous, though commissioners made it clear that they may not support the variance…

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