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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

Commission powers remain unclear, residents remain agitated

On Tuesday, Planning Commissioners opted to postpone an item that should clarify whether they have the ability to approve a subdivision without requiring connectivity. But the sea of bright yellow t-shirts at the meeting made it clear that the issue…

Subcommittee seeks help for ADU changes

The Planning Commission Codes and Ordinances Subcommittee met Thursday to discuss amendments to a city ordinance regarding accessory dwelling units — apartments located on the same property as a house. But city staffer Ming-ru Chu could barely read through the…

Council hears appeal of affordable housing case

As its first land use case, City Council heard an appeal of a conditional use permit for an affordable housing project Thursday. One thing Council members learned immediately is how difficult fulfilling all of their campaign promises might be, especially…

Planners approve extended hours for Odd Duck

After postponing 12 other public hearings Tuesday, the Planning Commission approved a request for a late-night permit to serve alcohol from Odd Duck, a restaurant on South Lamar Boulevard. The conditional-use permit, which allows the eatery to stay open until…

Subcommittee meeting on ADUs canceled

A meeting of the Planning Commission Codes and Ordinances Subcommittee was canceled Tuesday because not enough members showed up. Voting members James Nortey, Jean Stevens and Nuria Zaragoza along with ex officio member Jeff Jack waited 30 minutes after the…

Planners back apartment complex on Burnet Road

An automotive repair shop on Burnet Road could become a 60-foot-tall apartment building, if City Council approves a zoning change for the property. At a Planning Commission meeting last week, Robert Crump and Charles Gordon, owners of the property at…

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Neighbors rally against eastside hotel proposal

Developers seeking a variance to turn an old warehouse on Red Bluff Road into a hotel were met with opposition from neighbors, who say the property owners should build within zoning laws to maintain the area along the Colorado River.…

Hyde Park rezoning tests process, patience

A plan for a new restaurant in Hyde Park revealed bigger problems than just zoning Tuesday night, when a code interpretation had Planning Commissioners calling for a change in procedure. Navid Hoomanrad is seeking a zoning change from single family…

Planning Commission to revisit Lightsey 2

Despite still being in the early stages of development, PSW Real Estate’s Lightsey 2 project continues to provoke outrage in South Austin. And despite approving the preliminary plan at an earlier meeting, the Planning Commission will now take another look…

Commission questions Coronado Hills condos

A condominium project at the intersection of two of Austin’s busiest roads failed to win the approval of the Planning Commission last week. Currently, the 22.48 acres at US 290 and US 183 are zoned General Office (GO). Developers Cozy…

High-end Montopolis condos get planning approval

A proposal for high-priced condominiums in Montopolis is moving forward, despite concerns from the neighborhood that the project could be a harbinger of gentrification. PRJ Development was asking for a neighborhood plan amendment from Civic to Mixed Use and to…

Housing, not retail, on the way for East Austin

A fight for more retail space proved unsuccessful at the Planning Commission last week, where commissioners unanimously approved a conditional use permit that will allow an affordable housing project to be built despite the neighborhood’s wishes. “It may not be…

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