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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

Neighbors lose fight against Lightsey plan

As an illustration of how heated the discussion about the South Austin Lightsey 2 project has become, Planning and Development Review Department Director Greg Guernsey opened the meeting by clarifying that his staff had not taken graft and that he…

Reporters Notebook: Rail bonds & fluoridated water

Discovering the flip side of Laura Pressley … Two separate local media outlets started digging deeper into District 4 City Council candidate Laura Pressley’s recent political past Thursday. The Chronicle struck first with a piece from Monitor political editor Jo…

Urban farms battle is back at Planning Commission

The fight over urban farms reignited at the Planning Commission on Tuesday night, where a battle took place over whether East Austin’s Springdale Farm should get a zoning change that would allow it to continue to hold events. The owners…

Commission changes position, endorses bike plan

A second visit to the Planning Commission proved much more successful for the Bicycle Master Plan, which will now move on to City Council with a full slate of commission recommendations. The last time Planning Commissioners considered the plan, they…

Planning Commission weighs in on CodeNEXT

Austin’s Land Development Code rewrite continues to move forward, and its first major decision point is almost here. Opticos principal Dan Parolek told the Planning Commission last week that the approach alternatives were an important milestone in the code rewrite…

Skyway or the highway for teaching hospital

Things got philosophical when the Planning Commission was asked to approve a sky bridge for Austin’s new teaching hospital last week. Ultimately, practical concerns won out. Commissioners voted 7-1 to approve an “aerial encroachment” for the Seton Healthcare Family facility,…

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Micro unit ordinance fails to win over commission

A proposed micro unit ordinance got a small amount of support at the Planning Commission last week, but it was not nearly enough to win its recommendation. Commissioners made it clear that they were not opposed to the idea of…

Development headed to Environmental Board

A controversial South Austin development is on hold for at least another month, after the Planning Commission opted to take the unusual tack of sending the development’s preliminary plan to the Environmental Board for comment. The PSW Real Estate development…

Tank farm to be transformed into creative collective

A former tank farm tract in East Austin is set to get a hipster makeover, if the city approves its zoning change. The land, located at 1023 Springdale Road, is just under 10 acres. It is currently zoned a combination…

Planning Commission OKs Pease Park Plan

Though protests over the exclusion of a disc golf course in the Pease Park Master Plan continued to ring out at the Planning Commission last week, the plan is moving on to City Council with unanimous support from commissioners. Commissioners voted…

Regulating Plan changes split Planning Commission

Citing process concerns, the Planning Commission had no recommendations for amendments to the East Riverside Corridor Regulating Plan last week. Because the 4 acres at 1500 South Pleasant Valley Road are within the ERC regulating plan, developers were asking for…

South Austin development threatens Heritage Trees

Though still in the early stages, a proposed South Austin development continues to draw fire from the city’s various boards and commissions. Last week, concerned citizens asked the city to take a closer look at its compliance with the Heritage…

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