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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

Council denies East Cesar Chavez restaurant a late-hours permit

East Austin’s Weather Up Restaurant will have to weather at least another year without late night hours, after an unsuccessful trip to City Council last week.   In February, the Planning Commission rejected the request for the conditional use permit…

Planning Commission OKs variance for Lake Austin boat dock

Though they faced criticism from residents on the other side of Lake Austin, the owners of a Rob Roy property are well on the way to getting a boat dock.   The Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the variance…

Commission initiates code amendment for small lot amnesty

Modifications to the city’s small lot amnesty policy continue to move forward, with a code amendment now on the horizon.   The Planning Commission voted unanimously at its last meeting to initiate the code amendment, which will clarify that the…

Split Council rejects high-dollar condos in low-income neighborhood

In a 4-3 vote, the Austin City Council narrowly denied a zoning change to allow for condos on a plot of land at 600 Kemp St., a small road that runs perpendicular to Montopolis Drive.   Council Members Laura Morrison,…

Council to look at new rule: Brew beer here, drink beer here

If the Austin City Council approves changes to city code today, thirsty Austinites will be able to drink their beer straight from the source.   Last week, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve code changes that will allow beer…

Planning Commission won’t amend NCCD to fix permit mistake

The Planning Commission has shot down a city staff scheme to fix a mistake that left a neighborhood business in limbo.   Though the request was solely to initiate an amendment to the Hyde Park Neighborhood Conservation Combining District (NCCD,)…

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Planning Commission nixes plans for Montopolis condo project

Montopolis Neighborhood residents’ fears of gentrification were convincing enough to sway the Planning Commission from endorsing a condominium project last week.   Kemp Street Properties LLC was seeking the change from SF-3 zoning to SF-6 zoning on 5.38 acres at…

City Council approves limits on occupancy rates on first reading

After a very long night at its last meeting, the Austin City Council had taken definitive steps toward a reduction of maximum occupancy rates in single-family dwellings.   Council voted on first reading to reduce the maximum occupancy from six…

Appeal allows Co-op to move Dabney-Horne House

There have been plenty of twists and turns along the way, but it looks like plans to move the historic Dabney-Horne House 12 feet are fairly unstoppable, due to a scheduling problem.   The case has been in and out…

Cascades MUD project finally headed for City Council action

The 10th time proved the charm for the Cascades Municipal Utility District No. 1. The project won the support of the Planning Commission at its last meeting, and has moved on to the City Council.   The Planning Commission voted…

Little Woodrow's on Burnet survives two-year fight to serve alcohol

It certainly wasn’t easy, but the Little Woodrow’s bar on Burnet Road now has the right to serve alcohol.   The City Council granted an appeal late Thursday, permitting liquor sales and a waiver that allows parking closer to residential…

Lower maximum occupancy limits continue to race toward Council

After several attempts at a compromise on lowering maximum occupancy limits, the Planning Commission ultimately struck upon a solution Tuesday night that earned unanimous support. On an 8-0 vote, the commission recommended a citywide occupancy limit of four unrelated people,…

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