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Tag Archives: City of Austin Zoning and Platting Commission

ZAP recommends first-time zonings of former ‘Hickmuntown’ on city’s northwest edge

The Zoning and Platting Commission voted 6-2-1 to recommend first-time zonings for two plots of undeveloped land at a northwestern edge of the city in a case that emphasized the commission’s commitment to a maximalist housing policy. The lots in…

DB90 designation signals redevelopment on Hart Lane

A proposal to rezone several tracts of land on Hart Lane to allow for more intensive redevelopment under the DB90, or Density Bonus 90, zoning district was recommended by the Zoning and Platting Commission by an 8-1 vote during a…

Council-initiated Dessau Road rezoning for nonprofit office to be returned with dueling recommendations

A rezoning initiated by City Council on two properties that local nonprofit Foster Village plans to use for office space will come back with dueling recommendations from the Planning Department and the Zoning and Platting Commission after the latter voted…

Zoning and Platting Commission recommends against historic zoning for Northwest Austin ranch

The Zoning and Platting Commission voted 7-3 to recommend against adding historic zoning to part of the site of the former Running Rope Ranch during a special called meeting on Feb. 6, with Chair Hank Smith abstaining due to a…

Neighbors seek reversal of site plan approval for Bull Creek office building

It’s a case that never ends. The Champion sisters filed suit against the city in 1994 and again in 2004 over what they could and could not do with their property. At least one slice of that property is still…

ZAP postpones decision on Panda Express permit as commission fails to approve drive-through

The Zoning and Platting Commission delayed a decision on a conditional use permit for a drive-through at a proposed Panda Express off William Cannon Drive, after commissioners failed to approve the drive-through proposal. The proposed Panda Express would be located…

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Site plan appeal reveals city tech failings at ZAP

Though an appeal to a site plan extension failed at the Zoning and Platting Commission’s most recent meeting Aug. 15, the case exposed what happened after mayoral declaration to help development held up by the pandemic went into effect. In…

Lake Austin marina project is a step closer to new docks

The marina construction project at 1703 N. River Hills Road is charging ahead after a vote from the Zoning and Platting Commission last week.  Following the recommendations of the Environmental Commission, the Zoning and Platting Commission approved the easing of…

ZAP supports another rezoning in fast-changing Matthews Lane Neighborhood

The Zoning and Platting Commission on Tuesday recommended rezoning a property in South Austin to allow more single-family homes despite opposition from neighbors who say they have been inundated with new development without the infrastructure to support it.  The site…

ZAP opposes commercial rezoning on Anderson Mill

The Zoning and Platting Commission Tuesday recommended denying a rezoning for a North Austin property, with commissioners agreeing with city staffers that the requested commercial zoning would not be appropriate.  The 1-acre site at 9815 and 9817 Anderson Mill Road…

Rezoning could bring 'missing middle' housing to South Austin property

The Zoning and Platting Commission on March 21 recommended a rezoning that would allow “missing middle” housing to be built on a property in the Matthews Lane neighborhood in South Austin.  The request would change the zoning on a 3-acre…

ZAP recommends rezoning for 330-unit apartment project along Dessau Road

The Zoning and Platting Commission on March 21 recommended a rezoning that would allow a 330-unit apartment project on Dessau Road to move forward, with a majority of the commission dismissing concerns from neighbors that the apartments would “destroy” the…

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