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Tag Archives: CodeNEXT

Planning commissioners propose 'anti-McMansion ordinance' for CodeNEXT

Three members of the Planning Commission have proposed a series of “anti-displacement” measures in CodeNEXT that they say will discourage demolitions of existing low-cost housing and incentivize the construction of smaller units that middle-income people can afford. Speaking to reporters…


Zoning and Platting Commission recommends scrapping CodeNEXT entirely

One of the city’s two citizen land use commissions has decided that CodeNEXT, the overhaul of the city’s Land Development Code that has been in the works for five years and has cost the city $8.5 million, is a lost…


Divisions over city's future on display at CodeNEXT forum

After a similarly lengthy forum on Saturday, members of the city’s two land use commissions – the Planning Commission and the Zoning and Platting Commission – endured four hours of public testimony Tuesday night over CodeNEXT, the proposed overhaul of…

Reporter's Notebook: Is CodeNEXT spreading?

Contagion… Is the trauma of CodeNEXT spreading to other Central Texas cities? That’s the horrific question at least one Sunset Valley resident must have asked herself when she opened her mailbox recently. Inside was a postcard sent by the city…

CodeNEXT: The devil is in the details

As the development process for the land use code rewrite known as CodeNEXT has progressed, a common refrain heard from critics is that it will drastically alter Austin’s existing zoning. However, at Tuesday’s work session, Planning and Zoning Department Director…

Planning Commissioners zero in on CodeNEXT mapping

CodeNEXT, the seemingly interminable process of rewriting the city’s land use regulations, has been guided by two distinct goals. The first is to provide a simpler code that is easier for the layperson to understand, including by introducing new language…

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Clerk certifies anti-CodeNEXT petition

City Clerk Jannette Goodall on Monday certified that she and her staff had validated enough signatures to require the city to place a referendum on CodeNEXT, the proposed rewrite of the city’s Land Development Code, on the November ballot. According…

Reporter's Notebook: Scoot on

Much ado about scooting… As best as we can tell, the Scooter Wars hyped up on social media have largely been playing out as a sitzkrieg. Absent thus far is the oppressive sidewalk clutter – dubbed “mobility spam” by one…

Environmental Commission recommends CodeNEXT drainage regulations with review

How many complaints on an issue are sufficient to warrant a change in city code? This question cropped up continually at the April 4 meeting of the Environmental Commission as commissioners worked to pass a resolution regarding CodeNEXT drainage regulations.…

Landmark commission drills down on CodeNEXT

As the final draft of CodeNEXT inches ever closer to City Council, city commissions are compiling their recommendations in preparation. This week, the Historic Landmark Commission took a look at the third draft of the Land Development Code rewrite at…

new building

Garza, Renteria, Casar unveil Housing Justice Agenda

Three City Council members say they are united to push for a series of aggressive affordable housing measures, including a major increase in housing subsidies and reforms of the land development code. At a panel at the Austin Convention Center…

CodeNEXT petitioners filing the petition

Petition to potentially put CodeNEXT on the ballot filed with city clerk

Activists filed a petition with the city clerk on Thursday in an effort to put all Land Development Code rewrites, including CodeNEXT, to a public vote. “We believe (residents) should have the right to decide whether this is the new…

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