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Tag Archives: Council-Manager government

Strong-mayor proposition fails spectacularly

In the May 1 election, voters strongly rejected Proposition F, which proposed a radical change to Austin city governance from the Council-manager form of government to a strong mayor with veto powers over actions taken by City Council. Eighty-six percent…

Mayors, environmental groups oppose strong-mayor plan

Three former Austin mayors and six local environmental organizations have announced their opposition to Proposition F, the charter amendment that would change Austin’s Council-manager form of government to a system that would eliminate the city manager and give the mayor the…

front of City Hall

Most of City Council opposes ‘strong mayor’ plan

Nine City Council members so far have come out against Proposition F, the “strong mayor” proposal on the May 1 ballot. At a press conference Wednesday hosted by Austin for All People, a group opposed to the proposition, several Council…

Voters to decide on changes to how Austin's government works

Austin voters will be asked to decide on a slew of changes to the way local politicians are elected and what power they have in governing after the city clerk validated a petition Tuesday. Earlier this month, Austinites for Progressive…

Coalition publishes draft amendments for modified local democracy

In a city where an appointed city manager administers policy, midterm mayoral elections are decided by a wealthier and whiter electorate, costly runoff elections draw a fraction of eligible voters, and nearly 70 percent of all City Council campaign contributions…

front of City Hall

Task force dives into city manager search

The task force in charge of helping to write the job description for Austin’s next city manager hopes to stay involved in the process of picking the eventual hire, even though, as of now, the group is set to dissolve…

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Council gives Ott written criticism, pay raise

As part of an item that also gave City Manager Marc Ott a raise on Thursday, City Council members took what Mayor Lee Leffingwell characterized as the unusual step of offering a set of written criticisms of Ott. The criticism,…

Surprise Council mid-year evaluations of Ott, three others withdrawn

It seems that some City Council members were planning on giving City Manager Marc Ott – and perhaps others – a piece of their minds in private Thursday, but due to the absence of Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole, Mayor…

RECA forum discusses the effects of districts on Austin city politics

Politically attuned Austinites continue to wrestle with the uncertain future that the 10-1 City Council district system will bring, and that was the topic of discussion at a forum hosted by the Real Estate Council of Austin on Tuesday.  …

City management increases restrictions on employee gifts

Sparked by a case where city employees walked away with $11,000 in prizes from a work-related convention, Human Resources Director Mark Washington has outlined a new policy that places stricter limits on the gifts city employees can receive while on…

City Council rejects attempt to establish ‘Healthy Food Zones’

The City of Austin will not be establishing Healthy Food Zones any time soon. And, for now, the city won’t be looking into whether Austin even needs them.   A resolution sponsored mainly by Council Member Laura Morrison would have…

Council members, City Manager discuss limits on policy directives

Two attempts at dealing with a pending city crackdown on ornamentation of gravesites in city-owned cemeteries forced Council members Tuesday into a wider discussion over the limits of their purview when it comes to directions for City Manager Marc Ott.…

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