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Tag Archives: DB90

Planning Commission OKs Manor Road rezoning following delays, neighborhood ire

The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend the removal of a lot at 2967 Manor Road from the Martin Luther King Jr. Transit-Oriented Development, or TOD, district during a meeting on March 11. Austin Growth Ventures, the real estate developer…

DB90 designation signals redevelopment on Hart Lane

A proposal to rezone several tracts of land on Hart Lane to allow for more intensive redevelopment under the DB90, or Density Bonus 90, zoning district was recommended by the Zoning and Platting Commission by an 8-1 vote during a…

Planning Commission bucks opposition to recommend DB90 for Red River plots

The Planning Commission voted 9-0-1, with Commissioner Grayson Cox abstaining, to recommend a proposal from a landowner to rezone three addresses on Red River Street in the Hancock neighborhood that was widely panned by neighbors at a public meeting on…

Neighbors turn out for Manor Road proposal

A proposal to amend a city plan surrounding Capital Metro’s Martin Luther King Jr. Station was met with anger from neighbors during a Planning Commission meeting on Jan. 28 and a successful request from developers for commissioners to postpone any…

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Major upzoning in Zilker neighborhood draws opposition

On Sept. 12, City Council approved a zoning change for a 0.42-acre property in the Zilker neighborhood that will allow the developer to build to 90 feet, falling under the Density Bonus 90 category. The property at 2130 Goodrich Ave.,…

East Cesar Chavez zoning granted despite neighbors’ objections

Although former City Council Member Raul Alvarez and other east side advocates argued strenuously during last week’s meeting against granting DB90 zoning to the property at 3020 E. Cesar Chavez St., Council members approved the change on all three readings.…

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Planning Commission endorses multifamily project in Montopolis

Despite some consternation about the impact to the neighborhood in terms of scale and potential for displacement, Planning Commission members have voted in support of a new multifamily development on Montopolis Drive between Caddie and Fairway streets. The project is…

Following court ruling, Oak Springs project scrambles to get back on track

Planning Commission members unanimously recommended an Oak Springs Road zoning change that was temporarily thwarted by a court ruling – despite concerns at their most recent meeting about an abbreviated timeline from a neighborhood representative. In May 2023, developers submitted…

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