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Tag Archives: Dougherty Arts Center

Arts Commission joins call for bond money to replace Dougherty Arts Center

The Arts Commission wants City Council to commit to including funding for a new Dougherty Arts Center in the city’s next bond package, likely to go before voters in 2026. At its most recent meeting, the commission unanimously approved the…

PARD updates plans for new Dougherty and for cultural center expansions

The city is moving forward with plans to replace the Dougherty Arts Center with a new multiphased facility located in the Butler Shores Park area. The Parks and Recreation Department plans to begin the permitting process for the new arts…

Parks Dept. looks to move forward with new, scaled-back Dougherty Arts Center

The replacement for the deteriorating Dougherty Arts Center will move forward in a phased approach, without the underground parking called for previously by City Council, in an attempt to dramatically reduce the cost of the new facility. During the Tuesday…

City IDs $65M in creative space needs for possible 2024 bond package

The city has identified $65 million in critical needs for cultural arts infrastructure projects that will be under consideration for a possible bond vote in 2024. A memo released last week spells out the progress being made on a handful…

Funding gaps, underground parking price tag plague DAC project

The team behind the Dougherty Arts Center replacement project unveiled design plans for the Butler Shores facility to a room full of applause this past Monday. However, the mood following a parallel reveal at the Design Commission was not quite…

Council OKs site for new Dougherty Arts Center

City Council voted unanimously Thursday to approve a site for the Dougherty Arts Center, close to the current ZACH Theatre at Butler Shores Park. The site, called 1A, was not city staffers’ first choice, but it was clear that staffers’…

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Design Commission eyes Dougherty Arts Center plan

The Design Commission on Monday gave feedback on design alternatives for the Dougherty Arts Center redevelopment, setting up a City Council discussion next month. Though commissioners differed on the best alternative, they commended the project as a whole. The “beloved”…

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