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Tag Archives: Pedestrian Advisory Council

Push to consolidate city boards and commissions draws criticism from UTC

The Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) voiced opposition to a City Council-backed proposal to consolidate several of Austin’s boards and commissions, including a plan to merge the Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC) and Pedestrian Advisory Council (PAC) into the UTC. The proposal,…

TxDOT wants to add four lanes to I-35, but a citizen work group is pushing 'BAC'

At the April 5 joint meeting of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory councils (BAC and PAC), members reviewed a Google doc detailing their recommendations to the Texas Department of Transportation regarding the I-35 Capital Express Project. The massive highway project proposes adding…

TxDOT anticipates ‘meaningful alternatives’ to I-35 expansion in upcoming public input process

Despite the sharp drop in local traffic, renewed interest in teleworking policies, and major upsets to transportation revenue streams, the Texas Department of Transportation has no intention of rethinking the need for a $6.6 billion expansion of Interstate 35 through…

Austin Transportation makes strides for transparent project data

The Pedestrian Advisory Council is asking the city for more public updates on mobility projects as the Austin Transportation Department continues developing its online interactive database. Last Monday evening, the advisory board unanimously passed a recommendation drafted by chair Adam…

County Transportation Blueprint: So many projects, so few dollars

Between the city’s ambitious new mobility plan and the region’s transportation vision into 2040, Travis County is now working on prioritizing its own transportation goals for the next 30 years. The Commissioners Court approved a draft of the Transportation Blueprint…

Reshaping the land development code conversation

Still haunted by the misinformation battles of CodeNEXT, the Pedestrian Advisory Council passed two recommendations Monday, April 1, to help shift the land use conversation and support City Council as it takes up discussion of a new development code beginning…

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City to consider franchise model for dockless mobility

Austin Transportation has been steadily slowing the stream of dockless units coming into the city and is now considering a 50 percent cut to the number of dockless mobility operators licensed to deploy their scooters and bikes. In a presentation…

ASMP caught between pedestrian safety and need for speed

The city is promoting an everyone-wins approach to mobility in which maintaining, expanding and even adding car lanes is considered compatible with dramatically increasing use of other transportation modes per capita and cutting the number of annual traffic deaths and…

Austin traffic deaths outlier in statewide trend

As streets are growing more dangerous year by year in Texas’ largest cities, Austin may be heading in the opposite direction. Data compiled by Pedestrian Advisory Council Member Adam Greenfield indicates that San Antonio and Dallas have experienced sharp rises…

2019 could be the year to end city parking minimums

The Pedestrian Advisory Council is asking City Council to confront a broad spectrum of issues this year with a simple change to the city’s dated land use code. In a unanimous vote Monday evening, PAC approved a recommendation to Council…

One way to protect pedestrians? APD says more ticketing power

More power over more highways. That’s part of what the Austin Police Department hopes to attain in its effort to reverse last year’s record number of fatal car accidents, which resulted in 102 deaths, and limit the number of pedestrian…

City lacks funding for pedestrian hybrid beacons

Transportation Department staff revealed that the city is out of funding for pedestrian hybrid beacons, leaving a backlog of more than 100 requests for beacons around the city. During the regular meeting of the Pedestrian Advisory Council, staff presented the…

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