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Tag Archives: Publisher’s Note

Enhancing your news experience: A first step

We know there are a lot of information and media sources that compete for your time. It seems like this number grows exponentially every year, and with the move to everything digital, we know it is important to factor in…

Publisher's note: Changing of the guard

Hi y’all!  My time as interim publisher here at the Monitor is coming to a close. In my previous roles, I have always found such value in the coverage that this publication provides and I am grateful that I had…

Onward (in a different kind of way...)

I write you all this morning with a bit of news: At the end of May, I’ll head over to The Texas Observer, where I will serve as that venerable publication’s publisher. I’m also pleased to say that the Austin…

Publisher's Note: PennyPass incoming

I have a bit of news, but first I want to be sure that we’re all on the same page with regard to terminology and philosophy. The Austin Monitor employs a paymeter (stay with me here, it’ll be worth it)…

Publisher's Note: Why your Monitor is a bit light this morning

How’s this for a morning duh: Diversity is nothing but good for a newsroom. Without it, we can’t well claim to cover every possible angle of a story. Your Monitor has a bit of work to do on our cultural…

Publisher's Note: Into 2017

December 2016 marks the third anniversary of the rebranding that gave birth to the Austin Monitor. In those three years, we’ve rebuilt our web home, expanded our coverage, made room for some new voices in the coverage of Austin and…

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Publisher's Note: Story Map and individual story purchase

When we started this project, we envisioned a regular beat of these Publisher’s Notes — maybe once every two months or so. This is my second in about three weeks. So, if you’d like a rough “exciting times” metric for…

Publisher's Note: Fun and Game Night

Last week, your Austin Monitor team tried something new. From the start, we’d planned on building an events series to further our mission of civic engagement. Our thinking was that direct outreach might more directly impact our readers (and earn…

Publisher's Note: Whispers, more sponsorships, and Watson and Adler on transportation

A couple of small changes, more Web sponsorships, and some event announcements to get to here: First: We’re moving Whispers. Not far, just behind a new button that you’ll find on the front page of the site. We’ve struggled a…

Publisher's Note: 2015, 2016

I was recently given the advice that such phrasing as “let me be honest” or “honestly” implies that everything else one’s said is not, and so I won’t begin this note that way. Instead I’ll try this: I wasn’t quite…

Publisher's Note: Two Years

It’s been entirely too long since I wrote you all. I’ll offer (meekly, perhaps) that we’ve been rather busy here at Monitor/Capital of Texas Media Foundation HQ – and so, on top of missing more than a few opportunities to…

Publisher's Note: Tick Tock, the (new) Reporter's Notebook and more numbers

A bit of exciting news from here in Monitorland: Today, we unveil one new regular feature and one updated regular column. Right after we go through a few details about each of these items, I will offer up a fresh…

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