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Tag Archives: Red River Cultural District

Red River music venues push Council on funding expected from February resolution

Leaders of the Red River Cultural District are pushing City Council members and staff to carry out a February resolution that was intended to secure annual funding to help planning and marketing efforts for the downtown cluster of live music…

Music Commission wants clubs, creative space required in Red River Cultural District

The Music Commission wants the city to ensure that any new multistory development within the Red River Cultural District would need to provide discounted space for music venues or creative uses, without offering any density bonus incentives. At Monday’s meeting,…

Music Commission pushes Council to aid Red River venue district

The Music Commission wants City Council to approve a round of gap financing, possibly as part of mid-year budget amendments, to provide ongoing organizational support to the Red River Cultural District and its cluster of live music venues in the…

Red River Cultural District seeks new director to succeed Cowan

The Red River Cultural District is searching for a new executive director to lead the nonprofit organization that seeks to stabilize and improve the city’s most prominent cluster of live music venues. The search comes on the heels of the…

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Downtown business report finds problems for daytime demand, music venues

A new report on Austin’s downtown economy finds that there is a persistent weakness in weekday business, and that entertainment businesses concentrated around East Sixth and Red River streets have been slow to recover from effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.…

mohawk austin

City rushes to complete Red River improvements before concert crowds return

The city is working quickly to complete streetscape improvements to Red River Street, home to some of the city’s most renowned music venues, before flocks of concertgoers return as more and more people get vaccinated against Covid-19.  “I don’t want…

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City distributes $1.34M in venue assistance, with more funding on the way

The city has awarded $1.34 million in assistance to live music venues that have been mostly or entirely closed since March, with another round of city funds available and billions in federal assistance on the way soon. As of this…

With stages silent, Austin's music venues need help to stay open

 In his role as spokesperson for the cluster of live music venues concentrated on Red River Street, Cody Cowan relies on a graphic visual to convey the reality of those businesses’ prospects of surviving the Covid-19 pandemic. Now fully…

City moving forward with improvements to Red River district

The city’s long-planned improvements to the streetscape of the Red River Cultural District will move forward through the summer with planning and budgeting for construction projects to improve the sidewalks and other features of the area. A recent city memo…

Council pushes for economic development body to lead purchase, preservation of venue spaces

City Council is pushing staff to act this summer to create an economic development corporation that could be used to preserve and acquire real estate properties to be used for cultural arts events and meeting space. That body, possibly in…

Red River district pushes city to commit $35M to purchase venue properties

Leaders from the cluster of live music venues along Red River Street have asked the city to dedicate $35 million to purchase venue properties in the area, as part of a larger menu of programs and spending to preserve those…

Survey seeks data on full impact of Covid-19 on city's music economy

The city’s major music nonprofits have partnered with a national consulting firm to conduct a survey of the economic and some health impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on Austin’s music community. The survey from Music Cities Together, which is also…

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