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Tag Archives: TIRZ

Judge rules city can’t use taxpayer money for South Central TIRZ

Travis County District Court Judge Jessica Mangrum has ruled that the city of Austin and the developers of the Statesman Planned Unit Development may not move forward with funding of the development on Lady Bird Lake with $354 million in…

Memo brings questions about affordability, public benefits for Statesman redevelopment

A new memo that forecasts significantly higher costs for affordable housing and other public benefits proposed by the city for the largest development project in the South Central Waterfront has raised a number of questions as the planned unit development…

Memo says bonds needed to meet affordability goals for waterfront redevelopment

To reach the goal of bringing about 500 units of affordable housing to the South Central Waterfront District, the city would need voters to approve more bond funds, for as much as $60 million. The prospects for planned affordable housing…

EDC waiting on TIRZ formation while moving ahead with cultural trust funding proposals

The city’s economic development corporation is moving ahead with evaluating proposals from creative groups vying for some of the $16.9 million in cultural trust funds for creative spaces, but its role in helping manage development south of Lady Bird Lake…

Council still has many questions about waterfront tax zone

Anyone expecting definitive answers about how the city will pay for improvements for the South Central Waterfront zone after a lengthy discussion at Tuesday’s City Council work session was likely disappointed. At the end of reports from the city’s financial…

Council moves toward creating South Central Waterfront TIRZ

At its final meeting of the year, City Council gave preliminary approval for the South Central Waterfront tax increment reinvestment zone, or TIRZ in city parlance. Council members Leslie Pool and Greg Casar did not participate in the Dec. 20…

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South Central Waterfront financing plan expected next month

After many years of vision planning and discussions, two major redevelopment projects – the South Central Waterfront and the Colony Park Vision Plan in Northeast Austin – are showing some degree of progress in relation to how the projects would…

Council to adopt TIRZ, implement full south waterfront plan

The long-delayed South Central Waterfront Plan moved closer to implementation Thursday after City Council initiated a tax increment reinvestment zone to guide the use of new property tax revenue on the south shore of Lady Bird Lake.  The TIRZ is…

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