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Tag Archives: TxDOT
City reluctantly fulfills legal obligation for Oak Hill Parkway
When the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization approved the Oak Hill Parkway Project on Jan. 14, Austin Mayor Steve Adler’s only regret was the loss of a good opportunity to use tolls to cover maintenance costs. Austin City Council members…
Roads • By Ryan Thornton • Feb 1, 2019
Study addresses mobility needs along I-35 corridor
The Texas Department of Transportation is putting the finishing touches on its Capital-Alamo Connections Study, a collaborative effort between TxDOT, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization that began in 2017. By analyzing inter-regional…
Transportation • By Ryan Thornton • Jan 23, 2019
Oak Hill Parkway project approved for construction
The Oak Hill Parkway project was added to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program by unanimous vote at the Transportation Policy Board meeting Monday evening. The decision places the 12-lane elevated highway at the congested intersection…
Roads • By Ryan Thornton • Jan 16, 2019
State officials steamroll toll lanes out of I-35 plans
The Texas Transportation Commission drove the Capital Express into a bar ditch on Thursday morning. Despite a full-court, bipartisan press from local political and business leaders, the commission voted unanimously to strip from the Texas Department of Transportation’s 10-year construction…
Roads • By Caleb Pritchard • Dec 15, 2017
Research hopes to fill in the gaps for bicycle and pedestrian data
Traffic is terrible. City and state officials are really good at counting cars to see how terrible traffic is and how it got that way, but that sort of data-collection infrastructure doesn’t exist for bike and pedestrian data. New research…
Bicycles • By Andrew Weber, KUT • Dec 5, 2017
Environmental concerns delay city action on upcoming MoPac project
Several City Council members want more information about the planned expansion of MoPac Expressway before they sign off on a key funding agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation. Council voted 9-2 at its Nov. 9 meeting to postpone an…
Roads • By Caleb Pritchard • Nov 21, 2017
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Capital Metro no longer counting on ambitious I-35 bus plan
The Texas Department of Transportation’s big new plans for Interstate 35 through Austin may be the end of the road for the local transit agency’s hopes for bus rapid transit on the highway. “We don’t know for sure at this…
Transportation • By Caleb Pritchard • Nov 3, 2017
Watson presents a new plan for I-35
State Sen. Kirk Watson unveiled a radical vision for the future of Central Austin on Monday: No more dual decks on Interstate 35. Watson’s speech before the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce marked the debut of a new plan concocted…
Roads • By Caleb Pritchard • Oct 31, 2017
TxDOT document reveals limp projections for I-35 bus plan
The Texas Department of Transportation has projected less than stellar ridership numbers for a proposed enhanced bus line on I-35, but a top Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority official says he isn’t losing any sleep over it. On Wednesday, Capital Metro…
Transit • By Caleb Pritchard • Aug 11, 2017
Reporter's Notebook: Regarding Twitter
Vela to Dukes: Time to go… Embattled state Rep. Dawnna Dukes (Austin) has reneged on her promise to step down from her seat, leaving in limbo those who were hoping to replace her and actively campaigning to do so. One of…
Reporters' Notebook • By Austin Monitor • Jan 9, 2017
Construction set to start on SH 45 SW
A drawn-out, polarizing political battle that has kept anxious observers on the edges of their seats could be effectively settled for good on Tuesday. The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority announced on Monday that crews could begin construction on the…