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Tag Archives: Vertical Mixed Use (VMU)

Following court ruling, Oak Springs project scrambles to get back on track

Planning Commission members unanimously recommended an Oak Springs Road zoning change that was temporarily thwarted by a court ruling – despite concerns at their most recent meeting about an abbreviated timeline from a neighborhood representative. In May 2023, developers submitted…

Adjusted density bonus program pushes housing, affordability on commercial properties

Following a December court ruling that invalidated three changes to the city’s Land Development Code, City Council has approved an ordinance change that promotes housing density by using many of the components of the now-obsolete Vertical Mixed Use 2 ordinance.…

Council set to revisit zoning ordinance after court ruling

In the wake of last year’s court ruling invalidating the city’s Vertical Mixed Use 2 ordinance, a proposed remedy is now primed for a public hearing and consideration at Thursday’s City Council meeting. Council heard a preview of the revised…

Group again sues city over changes to development rules

A group that stopped the city’s rewrite of the Land Development Code has filed a motion in Travis County District Court to undo changes City Council made to the code after that ruling. Led by Francisca Acuña, the group contends…

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Divided Board of Adjustment rejects site plan appeal

A divided Board of Adjustment on Wednesday rejected a site plan appeal organized by the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association related to the redevelopment of the Windsor Village shopping center at 5900 Westminster Drive. What was once a small shopping center…

Council approves new mixed-use development rules and launches separate corridor proposal

In response to Austin’s housing crisis, City Council passed two policies Thursday to allow more housing along major streets.  “I think it’s more critical now than it has ever been to increase density and housing on these corridors,” Mayor Steve…

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Ahead of Council vote, committee sculpts VMU2 proposal

City Council members at Tuesday’s Housing and Planning Committee meeting shared their latest thinking on proposed changes to Vertical Mixed-Use (VMU) zoning ahead of a vote on June 9.  Council Member Chito Vela outlined a new compromise to reduce compatibility…

Advocacy orgs target compatibility, parking requirements in VMU2

As City Council discusses VMU2, a proposal to allow taller buildings on sites zoned Vertical Mixed-Use in exchange for more affordable housing, advocacy groups have rallied to scrap what they say are VMU2’s biggest shortcomings: compatibility and parking requirements. “Eliminating…

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VMU changes not happening anytime soon

Without taking a vote, City Council members decided during Tuesday’s work session that they would postpone Thursday’s vote on the most recent proposals to enhance affordability options within the zoning category known as Vertical Mixed Use, or VMU, and the…

Proposed VMU changes stir compatibility controversy

The Planning Commission has recommended changes to the Vertical Mixed-Use density bonus program to let developers build taller in exchange for more affordable housing – but only after animated discussion about compatibility standards. The proposed change, if passed into ordinance…

Council looks to increase height allowed under VMU zoning

City Council last Thursday took a step toward addressing housing affordability, passing a resolution to allow greater building height in areas zoned Vertical Mixed-Use (VMU). The code change would create VMU2, a new zoning category that allows 90 feet of…

Council gives initial approval to denser zoning on S. Lamar site

Last Thursday, Council gave first reading approval to rezoning of about 3 acres of land close to the intersection of South Lamar and Menchaca. Developer John Warnock promises to provide 10 percent of an estimated 450 apartment units to renters…

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