About the Author
Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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11th and 12th streets plan back for a vote – with amendment
Thursday, September 1, 2022 by Elizabeth Pagano
An ongoing effort to make changes to the plan guiding development on parts of East 11th and 12th streets could be closer to passing today with an amendment from Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison. When last they voted on the plan, Council remained divided on the portion of the plan that could allow more bars in the area. Council then opted to postpone the changes until all Council members could be in attendance; since there is a valid petition against the changes, they can only be approved with nine or more affirmative votes from Council members. As promised, Harper-Madison has an amendment that would limit the number of conditional use permits issued for cocktail lounges. Originally brought forward by Harper-Madison in June, it reads, “A conditional use permit for cocktail lounge use may not be located on a lot that is within 200 feet of a lot on which another cocktail lounge use is located unless the cocktail lounge is a conforming use.”
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