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ABIA extends pilot agreement with TNCs

Wednesday, April 29, 2015 by Mark Richardson

Austin-Bergstrom International Airport officials have reached an agreement to temporary extend its pilot program with transportation network companies Lyft and Uber to provide on-demand services for ABIA passengers. The six-month operating agreement will be in place while City Council’s Mobility Committee reviews the role of TNCs in Austin and the entire Council determines a formal policy. Under the temporary agreement, TNCs will pay a $1 per trip fee for picking up passengers at ABIA. Lyft and Uber apps register each time a driver enters the airport grounds. A digital decal maintained by each TNC driver while using the app will track each trip to the airport. Austin City Code includes provisions related to ground transportation services at the airport that authorize the director of the Aviation Department to adopt rules to meet customer and fiscal needs for convenient and efficient airport operations. Go here for more information.


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