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AISD launches vaccine incentive programs

Wednesday, August 25, 2021 by Tai Moses

AISD hopes that two new programs will give vaccine-hesitant employees just the push they need to go ahead and get the lifesaving Covid vaccine. Both programs share the goal of getting all staff fully vaccinated by Oct. 15. The first program offers eligible employees a one-time incentive of $250 if they are fully vaccinated by Oct. 1. Employees who were already vaccinated earlier this year are eligible for the incentive. The second program is a Covid-19 sick leave co-op, which “has been created to assist with unexpected absences for eligible employees who have to isolate due to Covid-19. Eligible employees who contribute eight hours of their own leave to the co-op will be eligible to use up to five ‘Covid leave’ days of full payment if needed.” The district emphasizes that participation in the vaccine incentive programs is voluntary and that exemptions are available for medical or religious reasons.

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