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Aquifer district declares Stage II alarm drought

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 by Tai Moses

The board of directors of the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District declared a Stage II alarm drought at their June 9 meeting. According to the news release, Lovelady Monitor Well and Barton Springs, two groundwater wells that are considered to be the district’s “drought triggers,” went below their triggers in late May and early June, respectively. The release explains, “Only one of the two drought stage triggers needs to be reached for a drought declaration to be made. However, to exit a drought stage, both Barton Springs and Lovelady must rise above their respective drought trigger values.” The last time this happened was Oct. 9, 2020. That groundwater drought declaration ended July 8, 2021. Find more details about the announcement as well as information about how customers with wells may conserve water here.

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