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Asian American Center marks 1st year

Monday, October 13, 2014 by Mark Richardson

The Austin Asian American Resource Center is marking its first year this week by profiling its programs. With its first year of service completed, the center’s major programs include the RICE, or Recreational and Intergenerational Community Education Program, which was established in June 2014 and offers intergenerational activities, meals, senior wellness and life skills classes that reflect Asian-specific needs and cultural preferences; the RICE Senior Lunch Social, which also began in June 2014 and now has 206 registered participants. Since June, the program has served more than 1,100 meals; a new Community Exhibits Program launches in October and will showcase Asian-themed works from eight Austin artists. Works will range from sculpture, calligraphy, photography and painting. The AARC Community Garden was launched Sept. 27 as part of the “Be the Change Austin” national day of volunteer service. Volunteers from across Austin will help establish the new garden. Additional programs are planned through 2015, including a bilingual story time, children’s musical workshop, the Planet Music free concert series and the Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month celebration. For more information, go the center’s Web page.

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