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Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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AURA has CodeNEXT concerns
Thursday, March 16, 2017 by Elizabeth Pagano
Urbanist group AURA has written an open letter to Mayor Steve Adler detailing some of its concerns about the CodeNEXT Land Development Code rewrite. Mainly, the group is concerned that despite hours upon hours of planned and completed public outreach, no one is listening. “We’re eager to work with City staff, your office, and all of City Council to align the CodeNEXT process with established community priorities for compact and connected growth, but if we’re going to succeed in getting the code Austin needs, Austinites must have confidence that your office, and all of Austin’s leaders, are listening. Is the CodeNEXT outcome a foregone conclusion inside your office—an outcome that will change nothing and help no one? Or do we want a city that prioritizes household affordability and remedying Austin’s staggering walkability, connectivity and traffic problems?” AURA asks. “Mayor Adler, do you think community input on CodeNEXT is a waste of time, since 97% of the city will be exactly the same?”
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