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Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Austin joins PAW initiative
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano
Austin will soon be taking part in an initiative designed to uncover the earning potential of its assets. The Government Finance Officers Association announced the city will be included in its second class of the “Putting Assets to Work” initiative that launched last year. “PAW is about helping local leaders uncover the real and significant value that may be hiding in plain sight,” said Ben McAdams, the former U.S. congressman and GFOA fellow who is leading the project, in a statement to the press. “Every local government holds immense amounts of property, structures, and other assets that they may not know how to fully utilize, or in some cases, may not even realize they own. PAW is a process where we help them understand exactly what they have, what it’s worth, and how that value can be leveraged for any number of local priorities.” Austin will be a part of the program for about six months.
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