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Austin Pathways receives federal funds to aid in broadband access

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano

Austin Pathways, which is a subsidiary of the Housing Authority of the City of Austin, announced Monday that it has received a $250,980 grant to promote affordable broadband access for low-income households. The grant comes from the  Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Affordable Connectivity Program as part of nearly $5 million distributed nationally for the Your Home, Your Internet Pilot Program that offers participants $30 monthly discounts on broadband, among other things. “This is an exciting opportunity for voucher and supportive housing program participants,” said Michael Gerber, president and CEO of HACA, in a statement to the press. “Today, affordable high-speed internet is key to accessing education, healthcare, job training, and maintaining relationships with friends and loved ones. Still, too many individuals lack broadband access due to high costs, a lack of technical know-how, or simply unaware that programs like the ACP are there to help.” According to the FCC, about 104,000 households would be eligible for discounted internet but, according to a press release from the housing authority, only about 18 percent of that population is currently enrolled.

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