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Austin Water urges caution after sanitary sewer overflow
Monday, June 12, 2023 by Eric Webb
The city found a wastewater overflow on Friday night, according to a news release, and people who live in the area should take note. It was caused by a grease blockage in the city main and noticed at a manhole in a ravine behind 2112 E. William Cannon Drive. The overflow, which involved more than 100,000 gallons of wastewater, reached Williamson Creek, according to Austin Water, but it has not affected the drinking water supply. However, Austin Water urges people with private drinking water supply wells within half of a mile of the overflow site to distill or boil their water for all personal uses, including drinking. They “should have their well water tested and disinfected, if necessary, prior to discontinuing distillation or boiling,” according to the city. Austin Water also advises people to avoid contact with waste material, soil and water in the area surrounding the overflow. For more information, visit the city website, or call Austin Water at 512-972-0155.
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