About the Author
Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Baby, there are fireworks
Monday, July 3, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano
The city’s official fireworks show – which is planned, produced, and performed by the Austin Symphony with the help of sponsors like H-E-B – will take place at Auditorium Shores and the Long Center this Tuesday (July 4) at 8:30 p.m. The event, which features a performance by the symphony against the city skyline, fireworks, and local vendors, is free and open to the public.
In terms of getting there, city officials recommend parking north of Lady Bird Lake in order to avoid congestion to the south of the park at South Lamar Boulevard, Barton Springs Road and Riverside Drive and avoid scheduled road closures. (But you know what’s best for you.) In addition, the lake itself will be closed between the railroad trestle and South First Street from 8 a.m. until midnight, for safety reasons.
According to the city, “The Bouldin Creek Neighborhood will have neighborhood parking restrictions in place for safety. Parking in prohibited areas (on green spaces and parkland, along rights of way and medians or blocking private drives and lots) or in ‘Not Permitted’ areas may subject you to fines, ticketing and/or towing at your own expense.” To circumvent the parking issue entirely, attendees can bike, walk, scooter or bus, but the city has also mapped a few parking options as well.
More information about the event’s rules and safety information can be found here.
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