About the Author
Chad Swiatecki is a 20-year journalist who relocated to Austin from his home state of Michigan in 2008. He most enjoys covering the intersection of arts, business and local/state politics. He has written for Rolling Stone, Spin, New York Daily News, Texas Monthly, Austin American-Statesman and many other regional and national outlets.
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Blues on the Green getting $87,000 in assistance from city
Friday, March 1, 2024 by Chad Swiatecki
The city has waived just over $87,000 in fees and expenses for the organizers of the Blues on the Green concert series in Zilker Park. Included in the documents for Thursday’s City Council meeting was a fiscal note breaking down the more than two dozen line items associated with the series, which is organized each summer by Austin City Limits Radio. In January, the station announced that rising costs necessitated the cancellation of this year’s event, which regularly draws more than 10,000 people to hear predominantly local acts. City Council opted to find ways to support the series financially to prevent its end and also pledged to explore ways to support more live music and cultural events across the city. The largest expense on the fiscal note was $40,736 for police overtime costs to provide security at the free events, with a park rental fee of $20,430 as the next-largest cost. ACL Radio announced late last month that the city’s assistance and increased sponsorship from H-E-B allowed it to continue Blues on the Green this summer.
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