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Candidates pledge ‘Tax Relief NOW’

Monday, October 20, 2014 by Elizabeth Pagano

Though not exactly endorsements, the group Citizens for Tax Relief NOW released the list of candidates who signed its affordability pledge over the weekend. Those candidates are: Todd Phelps and David Orshalick (mayor), Michael Cargill (District 1), Laura Pressley (District 4), Jason Denny and Mike Rodriguez (District 5), Jay Wiley and Don Zimmerman (District 6), Ed English and Pete Salazar (District 7), Ellen Troxclair (District 8), Erin McGann (District 9) and Bill Worsham, Matt Lamon and Margie Burciaga (District 10). The press release from Cindy Mallette, the organization’s leader, explains that the 15 candidates signed a pledge to audit all city departments and functions, support and advocate for a 20 percent homestead exemption, and budget at the effective tax rate. Mallette is perhaps best known as the former Texas Americans for Prosperity communications manager and campaign adviser for Mike McNamara’s Travis County Judge campaign.

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