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Celebrate Manor Road bikeway improvements
Thursday, September 12, 2019 by Tai Moses
The city’s Transportation and Economic Development departments are throwing a party for the community to celebrate the recently completed bike lanes on Manor Road. The new bike lanes, from Clyde Littlefield Drive to Dean Keeton Street, provide a protected east-west route to and from Central Austin and into the UT campus as well as an upgraded crosswalk and sidewalk. The project was funded through the bikeways program of the 2016 Mobility Bond. The celebration includes free bicycle safety checks and lemonade, and discounted food and beverages and special offers from restaurants and businesses along Manor Road. Community members are encouraged to ride their bikes to the event and meet at the “M” Manor Bike Rack to hear special guest speakers. Friday, Sept. 13, 4-6 p.m., at the triangle between East Dean Keeton Street and Manor Road.
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