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Cherrywood houses going, neighborhood OK

Thursday, November 20, 2014 by Elizabeth Pagano

Plans to demolish three houses in Cherrywood are moving forward, and after a talk with the developers — Greater Austin Builders — the neighborhood is a little more at peace with the plans. Historic Landmark Commissioner Terri Myers was less so and indicated distress at the prospect of losing the three houses, which were built in the 1930s. Speaking about the house at 1823 West 39th St., Myers said, “This house is utterly charming. Unfortunately, we don’t have an ordinance for charm.” The developer told Myers that he would try to build something that fit with the neighborhood and do his best to relocate the houses instead of demolishing them. The other two houses cleared for demolition are located at 1819 West 39th St. and 3900 Cherrywood Road.

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