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City applies treatment to reduce toxic algae

Monday, June 5, 2023 by Tai Moses

In the third year of a pilot program to mitigate harmful blue-green algae in Lady Bird Lake, the city will apply lanthanum-modified clay near Red Bud Isle and along the north shore of the lake between Interstate 35 and the lagoon near the Festival Beach Boat Ramp. According to the city, the clay material is not harmful to pets, wildlife or people but only works to “help prevent or slow down the growth of harmful algae in the areas where it is applied. The clay binds to phosphorus, a key source of nutrients for algae. Once bound into a mineral form, the phosphorus becomes unavailable to the algae and essentially robs the algae of one of its primary food sources.” The first applications will be at Red Bud Isle on Monday and east of I-35 on Tuesday. The work may extend into Wednesday, and applications are also planned for July and August. Humans and pets should avoid contact with algae and rinse off after contact with lake water, and dogs should not be allowed to lick their fur prior to rinsing.

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