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City Council OKs resolution that would expand public charging stations

Friday, March 10, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano

City Council approved a plan to plan for more public charging stations for electric vehicles across the city on Thursday. The resolution,  sponsored by Council Member Leslie Pool, asks the city manager to develop a vision plan in alignment with the Austin Climate Equity Plan for the equitable distribution of the stations, which should include direct-current fast chargers and level-two chargers, in coordination with local bodies like Capital Metro, Travis County and AISD. “Making charging stations, especially fast chargers, more accessible throughout the city might nudge people who may be on the fence about electric vehicles to make the switch,” Pool said. “Having more access and more users will go a long way toward reducing our use of fossil fuels community-wide.” The resolution asks for a plan to achieve the resolution direction by September 2023.

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