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City plans music industry survey

Friday, October 3, 2014 by Mark Richardson

OK, we know that there are a lot of guitar-pickers in Austin. But has anyone really tried to count them all? The Music & Entertainment Division of the city’s Economic Development Department is doing just that, as it launches a new market research study of Austin’s music industry and its workers. Officials say the purpose of the project is to capture an in-depth look at Austin’s music industry workers and its economic issues and opportunities. The city has hired Titan Music Group to conduct the study and deliver a final report. Data will be gathered from focus groups and an extensive survey. Focus groups will begin next week, and the survey will be launched Oct. 30. Officials say the music industry contributes more than $1.6 billion annually to the Austin economy. The Music & Entertainment Division will use the information collected from the study to optimize future city strategy and program planning for industry growth.

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