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City seeks candidates for Sobering Center board
Friday, July 16, 2021 by Tai Moses
Austin City Council is inviting qualified individuals to apply to serve on the 11-member Sobering Center Local Government Corporation Board of Directors. The opening is for the next term, which begins Oct. 1, 2021, and ends Sept. 30, 2024. According to the city’s announcement, “The Sobering Center Local Government Corporation is incorporated to aid and to act on behalf of the city and the county to accomplish their governmental purpose; namely to staff, manage, and operate a sobriety center for the safe short-term treatment and management of persons under the influence of alcohol, and to provide those persons with information on and referrals to community-based outpatient services, for the purposes of preservation of law enforcement, judicial, and medical resources in the jurisdictional limits of the city and the county.” Individuals who have experience in the legal, medical, behavioral and mental health fields; public health, chemical dependency and addiction; and business, philanthropy and fundraising are particularly encouraged to apply. Find the application form here.
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