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City to settle three lawsuits for more than $3 million

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 by Jo Clifton

Last week, City Council voted to settle three unrelated lawsuits, ranging from damages stemming from an alleged unlawful arrest to a construction delay and taking of land next to the Kent Butler Ecological Reserve.

Fabrizio Bisetti filed suit against the city and one officer after his arrest in connection with a domestic violence investigation. Although Bisetti was arrested, the officer admitted having serious doubts about whether he had assaulted his wife. According to court documents, the officer later testified on behalf of the man during a divorce proceeding. The city settled the case for $575,000.

Council also approved a settlement in the amount of $1 million to settle a claim from Jay-Reese Contractors, Inc., related to its construction contract for Austin Energy’s Rainey Street Substation. The construction company sought compensation for delays it claimed the city caused.

In addition, the city will pay $1.5 million plus closing costs of up to $50,000 to purchase property adjacent to the Kent Butler Ecological Reserve, which the plaintiffs owned. The lawsuit sought a declaration of an implied easement to access the plaintiffs’ approximately 33 acres of land. Under the settlement, the city has agreed to pay $1.5 million plus closing costs of up to $50,000, and Austin Water will pay for the property. The lawsuit was styled Neal v. City of Austin but there was no further information about the case, and the city’s attorney referenced a confidential memo to Council.

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