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Coalition formed in support of state park fund propositon

Monday, September 11, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano

A new coalition aimed at educating Texans about a $1 billion parks conservation fund has formed, enlisting 77 organizations in support of the constitutional amendment proposed by Proposition 14. The proposition, which will appear statewide on Nov. 7 ballots, is being hailed as a “once-in-a-generation effort to grow Texas parks” by the newly formed Texas Coalition for State Parks. “The fund would be an essential tool in ensuring Texans have access to public park lands for generations to come,” said state Rep. Armando Walle, who sponsored the bill in the Texas House. “This effort is a transformational effort, a Teddy Roosevelt kind of initiative.” Money for the conservation fund would come from a budget surplus that is currently in the general revenue fund, not from an increase in taxes, and was placed on the ballot after approval by both chambers of the Texas Legislature and the governor. More information about the group, its mission, and the organizations involved can be found here.

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