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Coalition makes transit board suggestions

Monday, December 14, 2020 by Elizabeth Pagano

The ATX Mobility Coalition has asked City Council and Capital Metro to appoint Julio Gonzalez Altamirano, Veronica Castro de Barrera and Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette to “community expert” positions on the Austin Transit Partnership Board. The coalition, which is made up of People United for Mobility Action, Austin Justice Coalition, Planning Our Communities and Workers Defense Action Fund, stated in a letter that it supports the three candidates because they are “highly qualified while meeting criteria that reflects our community’s goals for ATP Board Members, who:

● Include historically underrepresented communities, specifically board members of color, women and people with disabilities.
● Prioritize core transit riders and use transit regularly.
● Have a deep understanding of issues and measures related to equity.
● Have a holistic understanding of the impacts of transit-induced displacement and strategies to address the issue.
● Are committed to improving the experiences of pedestrians, bicyclists, and persons with disabilities.
● Are committed to workers’ rights and protections.
● Are committed to forging and strengthening relations with labor and community partners.”

The Austin Transit Partnership board will include one member of City Council, one member of the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors, and three community members with expertise in finance, engineering and construction, and planning and sustainability.

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