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Council may put off considering Woodland crossing deal with TxDOT

Thursday, October 19, 2023 by Jo Clifton

City Council will likely vote to postpone an item on Thursday’s agenda authorizing an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for the construction of a 300-foot-wide deck structure at Woodland Avenue over Interstate 35 as TxDOT enlarges the highway. After hearing about an alternative plan at Tuesday’s work session, Council Member José Velásquez indicated his support for a narrower structure that would be more pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly, cost less and have a smaller footprint. A majority of his colleagues agreed that this item should be revised. When it comes back, the proposed 300-foot-wide deck should be about 75 feet and cost the city about $2 million as opposed to the original $14.2 million plus cost overruns anticipated for the larger structure.

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