About the Author
Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Council tackles Infrastructure, Capital Planning and CodeNEXT today
Monday, February 23, 2015 by Elizabeth Pagano
City Council members will continue their policy workshops today with a morning session on Infrastructure and Capital Planning Policy and an afternoon discussion about CodeNEXT. The first session will run from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. Featured speakers will be: Mike Trimble, Capital Planning Officer; Howard Lazarus, Public Works Department Director; Dave Anderson, Former Chair of the Planning Commission and Member of the Bond Oversight Committee; Dave Sullivan, Chair of CodeNEXT Citizen Advisory Group; Nelson Linder, President of Austin Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Mona Gonzalez, Executive Director of River City Youth Foundation, Dove Springs Neighborhood. The session will also feature five “other voices” from the city: Jeff Scott, Engineer; Mary Gay Maxwell, Environmental Board; Tom Hegemier, RPS Group; Andy Johnston, HALFF; Michael Barrett, University of Texas; Linda Krueger Powers, Rundberg Neighborhood Area; Brian Almon, Rundberg Neigborhood Area; August Harris, Covenant Financial Solutions LLC, Seeds for Change Consulting LLC. The second CodeNEXT workshop will run from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. During that session, Council members will hear from: George Adams, Assistant Director, Planning and Development Review Department; CodeNEXT Consultants — Opticos Design; James Nortey, Member, Planning Commission; Stephen Delgado, Owner, Texas Engineering Solutions; Jim Duncan, Former City Planning Director; Kelly Weiss, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity; Michael Hsu, Architect, Michael Hsu Office of Architecture; Eleanor McKinney, Landscape Architect, Inc.; Melissa Neslund, RECA; Joyce Basciano, Austin Neighborhoods Council; Karen McGraw, Karen McGraw Architect; Brennan Griffin, AURA.
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