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Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Council to consider elimination of parking mandates
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano
Citing a “chasm of dissonance” between the city’s goals and laws, City Council Member Zo Qadri praised a recent step to eliminate parking mandates at bars and announced his intention to eliminate parking mandates citywide with a resolution on the upcoming May 4 City Council agenda. “Let me be clear: This would not erase a single existing parking space in Austin, nor would it lead to an explosion in parking-free developments. In fact, in 2013, parking mandates were removed in our Central Business District, and virtually every new development since then has included ample parking,” wrote Qadri on the City Council Message Board. “Instead of using dubious formulas to mandate how much parking is included in every new development, I believe we should allow individual property owners to decide what levels are appropriate. Until we realize the robust transit, biking, and sidewalk investments our voters have overwhelmingly approved, I also believe that those property owners will continue to build parking into new projects. In the meantime, I do not think it is appropriate for our code to presume that every adult will need a place at every destination in which to store their car while at the same time, our own stated goals envision a community where more people get around on trains, buses, bikes, feet, and other means.” In his post, Qadri noted that he would work to explore alternative parking solutions, such as parking management districts, as well as strategies to include accessible parking spaces where they are not required by law.
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