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Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Council training continues today
Sunday, March 29, 2015 by Elizabeth Pagano
City Council will convene at 9 a.m. today to learn more about the city’s role in public health and health care delivery. Trish Young Brown, CEO & president, Central Health; Shannon Jones, director, City of Austin, Health and Human Services Department; and David Evans, CEO, Austin Travis Integral Care will look at how health care services impact a community and discuss upcoming issues for Council. Council members will also hear from St. David’s Foundation’s Earl Maxwell, Gray Panther’s Clint Smith, Dell Medical School’s Dr. Dean Clay Johnston, Community Care Collaborative Chief Medical Officer Dr. Mark Hernandez and representatives from Children and Youth Mental Health Planning Partnership, Recovery Oriented System of Care, the American Heart Association, People’s Community Clinic and the Austin Independent School District. At 12:30 p.m., the focus will turn to social services. Stephanie Hayden, assistant director of the Austin Travis County Health and Human Services Department, and City of Austin ADA coordinator Dolores Gonzalez will give an overview of the topic. During that discussion, Council will hear from United Way for Greater Austin Navigation Center’s Kay Garza, Travis County Executive for Health & Human Services and Veterans Service Sherri Fleming, One Voice Central Texas Chair Tod Marvin, Ready by 21 Coalition coordinator Sabine Foster and Ending Community Homelessness Coalition Executive Director Ann Howard. Council members will also hear from representatives from the Aging Services Council of Central Texas, AARP, the Reentry Roundtable, the Central Texas Afterschool Network, the Child and Youth Mental Health Planning Partnership and the Immigrant Services Network of Austin.
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