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Decker Creek Power Station finally closing
Tuesday, June 2, 2020 by Jessi Devenyns
The Decker Creek Power Station, which burns natural gas, has long been a target for retirement in order to help Austin lower its carbon emissions. After years of preparation, the power station’s oldest steam unit, Decker Plant Unit 1, is 150 days from closure. On June 1, Austin Energy issued a notice of suspension and its receipt has been acknowledged, according to the utility’s COO, Charles Dickerson. The energy generation facility will be retired Oct. 31, pending Electric Reliability Council of Texas approval. As part of the transition away from this power plant, several dozen employees will shift their jobs. “Those people will still be on the books,” Dickerson assured Council members at the June 1 meeting of the Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee. He said Austin Energy is continuing to offer online training modules and virtual career counseling opportunities for employees affected by the closure of the plant.
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