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District 4 recount scheduled today

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 by Elizabeth Pagano

In a rather unorthodox kickoff to Inauguration Day, the District 4 recount will, indeed, be taking place. Though there was some question whether Laura Pressley would come through with the $13,600 deposit required for the recount, she showed up with the deposit just a hair before the (extended) 5 p.m. deadline. (The Austin Monitor ran into her in the City Clerk’s office at 4:55 p.m.) Pressley lost by about 30 percentage points to Council Member-elect Greg Casar in the Dec. 16 runoff. In her petition for a recount, Pressley is requesting a “manual recount of the results using the actual, stored ballot images. In addition, in the recount, the voter’s name associated with the ballot image must be reconciled with the voter’s registration number and the corresponding voter’s signature on the combination form used at the polling locations to ensure accurate accounting.” The recount will take place at 11 a.m. today at the Travis County Elections Division Office, 5501 Airport Boulevard. Election officials say they should have the recount completed in time for today’s 6 p.m. inaugural ceremonies.

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