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Downstream interests form Lower Brazos River Coalition

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 by Tyler Whitson

A group of downstream Lower Brazos River interests announced in a Monday press release that they formed the Lower Brazos River Coalition in mid-January. “Prolonged drought and rapid population growth in the Brazos River Basin have prompted grass-roots parties to form a coalition aimed at ensuring that lower basin interests are protected as competition for river water intensifies,” the release states. The coalition, it also says, includes “concerned individuals, organizations, municipalities, ranchers and farmers, environmentalists and conservationists, and businesses and industries, who are jointly responding to upstream efforts to limit water flowing downstream.” The Brazos River is the longest river in Texas and stretches from the Llano Estacado region, through Waco, and down to the Gulf of Mexico. The Brazos River Authority, created by the Texas Legislature in 1929, governs the Brazos River Basin.

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